Adrnlnjnky's Journal

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   / () __ ___ | | ___ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ | |   / /| | ’ _ \ _ | |/ _ \| | | | '__| '_ \ / _ | |  V / | | | | | | | | || | () | || | | | | | | (| | | _/ ||| || || _/ _/ _,|| || ||_,||

Things to get under my fingers

tX when used with d,c, or y -> do till (X) t/foo -> allows for multiple charactors

VISUAL MODE _ S -> CAITAL S -> gets me the surround option

Habits We Are Trying to Build

using the t option for pattern searching

tX -> when used with d,c, or y -> do till (X) -> dtX -> delete from cursor until X

t/foo -> allows for multiple charactors


cs -> Change the Surround ie. * to " or " to ’ yss -> surround the entire line ysiw -> surrounm /home/adrnlnjnky//Code/CSS/ d the word ysiw -> add emphasize on word!

-> this is something I can use a lot when working with HTML!!

in Visual mode: S

will get

<pclass=“important”> This is my test line for the command above. </pclass=“important”>

This is my control line for the command above.


This is my control line for the command above.

This is my test line for the command above.

-> I say again this is something I need to get under my fingers for HTML work and probably a lot of other uses!

Things I’ve added recently:

  Tue Dec  1 07:53:19 AM PST 2020

set scrolloff=999 -> this keeps the cursor line in the middle of the screen. -> I’ve done this before but I just turned it back on because I find that I like it.

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